Thursday, August 29, 2013
Serving God Faithfully
- Scriptures are God’s Word. All Scriptures are God breathed. All Scriptures are inspired of God. We must never take God's Word lightly. Every Christian should hold God's Word in high regard and regularly spend time reading and meditating on it in order to become more Christ-like.
- All God's Word is truth. Don't choose some scriptures to follow and some to disregard. We should hold all Scriptures with the same respect. We must believe God's Word in its entirety. We must read the whole Bible and not just dip in and read what we feel like reading.
- God's judgments are righteous. God is just; He rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked. God is fair; He judges each man's work impartially. God is love; He forgives us if we repent and believe in the righteousness of His beloved Son. Christ died for sinners, and won salvation for them!
- God’s judgments endure forever. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-caring. God is faithful to His covenants. God is true to His Word. God is faithful even when we are faithless. It is better to serve God and let Him bless us richly. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the House of the Lord than be anywhere else.
5:17 PM
all scriptures,
righteous judgments,
serve God,
the whole Bible. God's Word,
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Enter Into God's Presence
- This life isn’t smooth sailing. There are times of uncertainties and difficulties. There are times when conditions are tough and pressure is unbearable. There are times when we feel restless and tired, hopeless and helpless, and not knowing what else to do.
- But as Christians, we are called to rest in hope. We are to rest in God’s provision and grace. We are to hope in God’s steadfast love. God loves us and He will never leave us nor forsake us.
- And we are to enter into God's Presence. We are to enter into God’s Presence with praise and adoration, with humility and gratitude, with thanksgiving and a worshipful heart, with a sense of awe and reverence….
- And we are to enter into God’s Presence through Christ our Mediator. We are to believe in Jesus and His work on the cross. We are to believe that He is God's Son and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us.
- Our soul is anchored in a sure and steadfast hope. Our hope is anchored in the promise of God and the work of Jesus Christ. Our hope is securely fastened in Jesus Christ who redeemed us once for all when He died, rose again, and ascended to heaven. Our anchor is in Jesus Christ, keeping us safe evermore.
5:34 PM
anchor of the soul,
God's presence,
hope in God,
Monday, August 12, 2013
Vision of God
- Sin clouds and blurs our vision to what God is doing. Sin blinds us against God and His Word. Sin distorts our vision, confusing the way we see God, ourselves, and our world. Sin blocks our vision of the image of God, so that we forget who we are in Christ and how we are to be like Christ. Sin obscures our vision of the person of the sinner, so that when we see them, we see not the person, but the sin. Sin darkens our vision of Who God is and what He is really like. Sin leads to idolatry.
- Purity clears our vision to see God. Purity brings us nearer to God. Purity keeps us in tune with God, and makes us feel the Divine Consciousness and His essential, immortal and blissful nature.
- Sin separates us from God. It keeps us out of heaven, and prevents us from having a relationship with God, robbing us of joy and contentment.
- But Jesus bore our sins on the Cross. He paid the eternal penalty for our sins. The righteousness of Christ had reconciled us to God and redeemed us from sin. We are brought to see God in the light of glory!
- Oh Lord, restore our vision to see You in all of life; improve our vision to see better at all distance; and broadens our vision to recognize how we can participate and help. Oh Lord, focus our vision to seek Your Face, to praise You, to celebrate Your Grace, Your Compassion and Your Mercy, to worship You, to honor You, to magnify and glorify Your Name, to proclaim Your Truth and Justice, to preach Your Word and rightly teach Your People, to share Your love and to live strong in Your love.…
- Oh Lord, open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your law.
9:22 AM
glorify God,
honor God,
preach God's Word,
righteousness of Christ,
The Lord Jesus Christ,
worship God
Monday, August 5, 2013
Steadfast Hope
- Paul and his companions had steadfast hope in the future of the Corinthian Christians. They had a firm and unshaken faith that the Corinthian Christians would be saved for eternal life with God.
- The Corinthian Christians had suffered for the Gospel. They had spent their health, wealth, wisdom and time for the gospel. They had been exposed to persecution and opposition. They had stood in trials, spent times in prison, stoned, whipped, beaten, and endured all.
- They would be comforted and blessed by the Holy Spirit. They would be strengthened and encouraged in their faith. They would triumph and waited in expectation for their deliverance. They would see God and be raised up by Him one day. They would be rewarded and compensated accordingly. They would be consoled by God.
- As believers, we are called to remain steadfast in our faith and hope. We must have an unshakeable faith, a faith that cannot be affected by circumstances. Our hope is not tethered to some earthly thing, to some possession, or even some person, which are all passing and temporal. Our hope is tethered and anchored in the eternal Creator, and His Son Jesus who showed His love toward mankind when He hung upon a cross.
5:52 PM
steadfast hope,
wait in expectation
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Working Together
- The body of Christ must work together for the good of the Church.
- When they work together, they can better understand the will of God. They may want to pursue together more of His wisdom, His blessings, His grace, His mercy. They may desire more of His purposes, His will, His kingdom, His heart. They may yearn more of His presence, His glory, His love, His holiness.
- When Christians work together, they may accomplish more what they can never do individually. They may also fix their eyes more on the things of God, and less on their personal interests.
- When Christians stick together and work hard, they are safe and strong, and can carry out more the will of God on earth.
7:56 PM
body of believers,
body of Christ,
the will of God,
things of God,
work together