Friday, October 29, 2010
Adgitize - World Class Advertising On A Blogger's Budget
It helps bloggers to get 'world class advertising on a bloggers budget'
The biggest advantage of Adgitize is that it will increase traffic to your blog.
Isn't that why you blog, so that you will be read?
Basically there are three ways to use Adgitize: you register and use the site as an advertiser, blogger, and affiliate.
The whole program is run on a point system; the more activities you do (e.g. posting to your blog, reading other members blogs, advertising, or clicking on advertising), the more points you will accumulate.
At the end of the month, all the points are added together and revenue set aside as payout will be evenly distributed to all the points. The payout is approximately 1 cent for every 5 points.
You won't get rich using Adgitize, but you will make a little pocket money, you will generate traffic to your blog, and you may even raise your Alexa ranking.
Advertisers can place ads in one of two sizes, 125 x 125 and 468 x 60.
Publishers can have up to 10 ads on their site (if they go with the smaller size). The more ads are displayed, the more points they generate.
Advertisers can have their ads displayed for seven days for $7, fourteen days for $10, or a month for $14.
The majority of members find that their points once converted actually pay for their advertising and give them a little extra money.
The affiliate program is very simple. Members make a $5 "finders fee" for every referral that purchases advertising, and they receive $1 each month as long as the advertising is renewed.
So what are you waiting for?
Go to now.
12:30 PM
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I found that this site is very promising.
This is the site to hire / manage a quality work team. brings the global talent pool at our desk so that we can get our work done according to the standards we set to our workers.
As an employer we can run a campaign consisting of versatile tasks like writing a review on a blog or site, posting a comment on a blog/website, get backlinks to a site, get followers on twitter, fans on facebook or get an article digged.
As a worker, we can sign up and browse micro jobs, select the jobs we like, finish the tasks & submit proof, and earn money! And there is this $1.00 Sign up bonus!
So what are you waiting for?
Try and get paid to do micro jobs.
12:06 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
by Dr. J. Saladin
As you likely already know, our Greater Sacramento public schools have responsibly informed parents of groundbreaking legislation effective since 2006 which requires children entering public school in either kindergarten or first grade to present proof of having obtained an oral health assessment. So why is the law so concerned about our local schools? Well, this new legislature is actually a national policy. Nationally, over 51 million school hours are missed annually to dental disease, the most widespread chronic childhood disease. Only prevention, as this policy promotes, can help keep our children healthy and help keep them in our schools. As a local pediatric dentist specializing in children’s oral and dental health, every little thing counts towards a child’s overall well being. Therefore, in the spirit of prevention, I would like to contribute a little education to help parents understand the importance of baby teeth.
Many people ask me, why are baby teeth so important if they are all going to fall out regardless? The notion that our own legislature feels so strongly about children’s oral health has much to do with the cost associated with the complications that arise do to dental neglect. The costs are not only fiscal but also social. These complications reach far into a person’s lifetime, effecting learning, speech, physical growth and self esteem. This domino effect of complications is clearly understood by dental professionals, especially those who have specialized in pediatrics. Yet, our public may be less informed of these issues. The personal effects on a child can be briefly addressed below:
Baby teeth are an important component in maintaining the space for permanent teeth to erupt normally. Premature loss of baby teeth due to cavities can yield detrimental effects on the growth and development of a child’s face and profile development.
A healthy mouth is important towards maintaining a healthy diet. It’s common to see children who suffer from chronic untreated dental cavities also suffer from malnutrition. Children simply can’t chew food if they suffer from premature loss of teeth, chronic infections or chronic pain. This has a long lasting impact on how a child physically develops through adulthood.
Premature loss of teeth can lead to poor speech development because certain teeth may be missing that aid in proper pronunciation. As a result, many children are not only delayed in their speech progress, but are also delayed at their schools.
Healthy smiles can help a child feel better about themselves and the way they interact with others.
Ultimately, our children’s education depends on a number of factors from good parenting to good health. This legislature is a step in the right direction towards awareness and prevention, helping our children stay healthy and confident in our schools.
4:54 AM
healthy teeth,
smarter kids
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dog's Name
Among the top 100 dog names are Sugar, Simba, Sierra, Spike, Chester, Dixie, Bruno, Maximus, Cassie, Honey, Rudy, and Mickey.
And there are some clever dog names such as Tyke, Slinky, Reebok, Polaroid, and Nike.
Then there are suggestions on cute couple pet names such as Yogi & Booboo, Vegas & Reno, Tonto & Ranger, Tigger & Pooh, Tango & Cash, Sugar & Spice, and Smokey & Bandit.
Are you still finding problem choosing a good dog name for your Puppy Boy and Puppy Girl?
Or do you have some bright ideas on dog names?
You may want to visit a popular site for Dog Names.
Do visit for further detail.
6:41 PM
Thursday, October 21, 2010
When You Are Old Enough
How old is too old?
And just how old is okay?
Many feel very uneasy when confronted with people asking the above questions.
The old folks don’t always welcome us; they claim we don’t quite understand them.
The youngsters always seek ways to keep us at bay; they claim we are too old to understand.
Then there are those of the some age group; they claim we don’t speak their language and they don’t speak ours.
Somehow sometimes we feel out of place when mixing with people.
We don’t share the common languages, behaviors, affection, ideas, visions, values, or beliefs.
Instead of living in peace and harmony, we prefer to stay away, to remain aloof, or to keep a distance.
Instead of tolerating and learning from one another, we seek strife and conflict.
Everyone is different; we are made to be different.
Everyone has their own ideas; we are endowed with intelligence and ideas.
Some of us may not understand well the older people because of our lack of experience.
Some of us may not understand well the younger generation because of the changing world and regulations.
But we do understand them.
And one day we will know.
It just needs a little time, patience and understanding, and some perseverance.
Maybe sometimes later we will understand.
So how old is old enough? And how old is too old? Or how old is too young?
Many do know; they are nodding their heads.......
Follow the heart......
Take things easy......
Talk less and listen more......
Smile a little, laugh a little, relax and follow along......
Get involved in the conversation when necessary, but don’t dominate and ruin the conversation......
Do hang around and mix well......
And so come the helpful advices......
Don't worry......
Somehow you will know...... when you are old enough.
I smile, rather ruefully to myself......
8:11 AM
Old enough
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Stroke Identification
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall.
she assured everyone that she was fine, when they offered to call paramedics.
She said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food.
While she appeared a bit shaken up, she went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.
Her husband called later, telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital.
At 6:00 p.m. she passed away.
She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ.
Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps she would be alive today.
A neurologist said that if he could get to a stroke victim within 3 hours, he could totally reverse the effects of a stroke.
He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours.
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify.
Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.
The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
(1) Ask the individual to smile.
(2) Ask the person to talk and speak a simple sentence coherently.
(3) Ask him or her to raise both arms.
If he or she has trouble with any one of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
Another sign of a stroke is this: Ask the person to stick out his or her tongue.
If the tongue is crooked, if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.
7:15 AM
stroke identification
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Be A Responsible Man
It is great and fun to be children. The childhood years and the teenage years always brought along many memorable and exciting experiences and emotions of the past, bringing us to tears and laughter on many occasions.
But there are always the pains of growing up. There will come a time when we have to take up more and more responsibilities and be accountable for most of our doings. Gone are the years of the innocent and carefree life; gone are the times when we can push our burdens and responsibilities onto others.
As we grow up, there will be more burdens that we willing bear for our family, relatives and friends. We do so out of love, sympathy, compassion, goodwill and concern. We love them, treasure their relationships, and we have profound understanding of one another. Nothing really matters except the sincerity and sacrifice of our love for one another.
Of course, there will always be responsibilities that we dutifully bear for social peace, communal harmony, national unity, religious rights and freedom, or other considerations and concerns.
It’s not easy to be an adult. It takes courage and careful consideration to undergo difficult experiences and get wounded most of the time. Everything needs to be scrutinized and analyzed. There are always many responsibilities that a mature man must do.
Learning to be a responsible man is a sensible thing to do.
It is important that we learn it well and be a responsible man to ourselves, our loved ones, and the world at large.
8:06 AM
responsible man